
The Testnet Committee’s purpose is to improve and expand the reach of Secret Network by fostering an optimised, fast and reliable space to enable developers to easily test their contracts in a production-like environment.


The Committee will hold itself to the following core responsibilities:

  1. Run and maintain stable testnet validators to enable new developers to join the network more easily, without having to deal with the pains of having to find a reliable testnet node.

  2. Maintain documentation.

The following information must be easily accessible and maintained for the testnet.

  1. Test upgrades with samples in SecretJS Templates. Update the code in line with secret.js
  2. Monitoring, including a webpage showing the current status of any public endpoints.
  3. Keep 3rd parties such as explorer Ping Pub informed of any changes like chain-id and endpoints
  4. Deploy and maintain testnet faucet, under faucet.pulsar.scrttestnet.com
  5. Support teams with load and other types of testing as needed.
  6. Stats on load balancer usage
  7. Metrics regarding network usage

Maintain Stable Testnet Validators